Lake Garfield Working Group May Meeting

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Lake Garfield Working Group (LGWG) held its monthly meeting remotely by phone conference on Tuesday, May 12. Dennis Lynch gave an update of the work being done on the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection water quality management grant 604b. Dennis met with Shawn Tryon of the Monterey Highway Department and Rob Hoogs of Foresight Land Services to review the scope and location of work aimed at mitigating surface water runoff, a source of phosphorus loading, in Lake Garfield. The grant is to be funded by the state except for two separate contributions intended as good faith representation of local support from the Town of Monterey and The Friends of Lake Garfield pending approval by both organizations at their respective annual meetings. Included in the projected work of the grant will be a surface water catchment along the low lying area of Hupi Road as well as assistance for rain garden construction for interested property owners.

Michael Germain reported on the recent survey and the Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) of invasive Eurasian milfoil, and reviewed the report of last year’s success in diminishing these weeds. The DASH work performed this spring under contract between the Town of Monterey and New England Aquatics took place in the third week of May. New England Aquatics reported that the divers were able to view all active areas of milfoil growth, eliminate two large but sparsely vegetated patches, and continue to work on the largest patch of dense growth.

The last item on our agenda was a review and discussion of the funding anticipated for the 2021 fiscal year, including the importance of continuing the progress made against the spread of milfoil, and the importance of maintaining continuity in lake research, to inform and enable best management practices going forward.

The next meeting of the LGWG is scheduled for Tuesday, June 16, at 7 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, the meeting will be by remote conference call, with call-in details to be found on the town website, Go to “Boards & Commissions” and find the agenda on the LGWG page. All interested parties are encouraged to join. — Steve Snyder Chair, Lake Garfield Working Group  

Babs Wolinsky